Yellow Duration for a Traffic Signal

Contrast between Practice and What is Required


Driver or Vehicle Characteristic

NCDOT Yellow Light Specification


Passenger Car

What is Required

Commercial Vehicles

What is Required



Reaction Time

1.5 Seconds

NC DOT Spec Sheet 5-2-2, Sheet 4 of 4    NCDOT uses 1.5 seconds for the vast majority of intersections.   1.5 seconds assumes a very simple intersection and an alert driver.  

North Carolina NCSITE, p 5    NCDOT treats commercial vehicles as if they are passenger cars.

1.0 to 5.0 Seconds

AASHTO Green Book 2011, page 2-41.    The more information content the driver has to deal with near or at the intersection, the more reaction time the driver needs to deal with it.

The 85th percentile perception-reaction time is 1.57 seconds.  Setting the perception reaction time to 1.57 seconds excludes a large predictable set of drivers.   Many sources simply recommend a 2.5 second minimum.


Gates, Dilemma Zone Driver Behavior as a Function of Vehicle Type, Time of Day and Platooning, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2149, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2010, .p. 87.

Transportation Research Institute, Oregon State Univ, 2007, p 8

Olson, Forensic Aspects of Driver Perception and Response, 2010, p. 386.   The standard deviations are half the range of values.   That means there are as many people responding in 0.6 seconds as 1.0 seconds as 1.4 seconds.

Transportation Research Board, Wisconsin, 2007, page 21

2.2 Seconds Minimum

Gates, Dilemma Zone Driver Behavior as a Function of Vehicle Type, Time of Day and Platooning, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2149, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2010, p. 88.

Air Brake

Lag Time

0 Seconds

0 Seconds

0.5 Seconds Minimum

NC CDL Handbook, 2014, p 5-9


11.2 ft/s2

NC DOT Spec Sheet 5-2-2, Sheet 4 of 4  The NCDOT uses the wrong value for deceleration.   11.2 ft/s2 is only used in the context of emergency braking.  10 ft/s2 is the median deceleration rate for normal braking. 

AASHTO Green Book, 2011, p3-3    Engineers define the stopping sight distance in the context of emergencies.   For emergency braking, 11.2 ft/s2 is the 90th percentile deceleration rate.   90 percent of vehicles will decelerate more rapidly than 11.2 ft/s2 when faced with an emergency.    11.2 ft/s2 is a “comfortable deceleration for most drivers” but only in case of an emergency.  Otherwise drivers expect to decelerate less aggressively.   Intersection stopping distance and deceleration, not stopping sight distance and deceleration, are the values to use for an expected stopping event.    See Intersection Stopping Distances at the column to the right.

North Carolina NCSITE, p 5    NCDOT treats commercial vehicles as if they are passenger cars.

10 ft/s2 Maximum

Transportation Research Board, Wisconsin, 2007, page 9  If traffic engineers treated deceleration rate like approach speed, then they would use the 15th percentile deceleration rate.  The 15th percentile deceleration rate accommodates more drivers.

Maryland Title 11 DOT, Subtitle 4, Ch 14.  Traffic Signal Control Monitoring

Gazis, 1960 p 118, says “1/3g (10.7 ft/s2) is too aggressive a deceleration for normal driving.”   Gazis invented the yellow light formula.

8.0 ft/s2 Maximum

Comparison between passenger cars and commercial trucks.


Gates, Dilemma Zone Driver Behavior as a Function of Vehicle Type, Time of Day and Platooning, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2149, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2010, p. 91.

Gates, Dilemma Zone Driver Behavior as a Function of Vehicle Type, Time of Day and Platooning, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2149, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2010, pp. 84–93.p. 84

Maryland Title 11 DOT, Subtitle 4, Ch 14.  Traffic Signal Control Monitoring

NCHRP 505, p. 48   0.25g  = 0.25 * 32.2 ft/s2 = 8.0 ft/s2    These are maximum deceleration rates a truck driver can do on a wet pavement in any situation.   The comfortable rates will be less than these.

USDOT,  Effects of Deceleration on Live Human Subjects, 1977, p 1, 0.23g  = 0.23 * 32.2 ft/s2 = 7.4 ft/s2      The deceleration rate of transit commercial vehicles, like school and public buses, are capped by the position of their human occupants.

North Carolina School Bus Drivers Handbook, 2014, p. 15




Speed Limit Maximum

NC DOT Spec Sheet 5-2-2, Sheet 4 of 4.   The NCDOT defaults “v” to the speed limit.  Because the spec does not mandate that the engineer use the 85th percentile speed, the engineer rarely goes out of his way to perform the speed study.    The spec incites the engineer to be reactive, not proactive.


The NCDOT measures “v” at the intersection stop bar.   This is an egregious error against physics.   Physics mandates the engineer to measure “v” at the critical distance upstream from the intersection.   See Equation for Duration of Yellow Light, below, for the equation of the critical distance.   On a 45 mph level road, the critical distance is about 300 feet upstream from the intersection stop bar.


The NCDOT spec allows the engineer to set “v” to a value less than the speed limit.  When the engineer sets “v”  below the speed limit, the engineer creates a type 1 dilemma zone for vehicles approaching the intersection at speed “v” or greater.   That means that the engineer will force drivers approaching at speeds greater than “v” to run a red light.   Because speeds greater than “v” include the legal speed limit, the engineer sets a trap for the motorist.   The engineer will force honest citizens to run a red light.

Deposition of David Spencer, p. 78.      Spencer does not know that the 85th percentile is that speed of freely-flowing traffic measured at the critical distance, not the speed of impeded traffic measured at the intersection.

85th Percentile, Speed Limit Minimum

ITE, Traffic Engineering Handbook, 2010, p. 101.   


The speeds engineers place on speed limit signs and input into the yellow light formula is a topic unto itself.   The incompatibility between properly-engineered speeds and man-made laws is always present.


A basic rule of engineering is to accommodate human behavior.   When the majority of traffic travels above the speed limit, the engineer should accommodate the majority.   An engineer should set the yellow light using that higher speed, thus lengthening the yellow thus making the intersection safer.    The engineer cannot set “v” below the speed limit for that would effectively remove the required stopping distance from the legally-moving driver, force him to break the law and possibly force him to crash.


Speed limits themselves are supposed to be set to the 85th percentile speed but physical limitations and city ordinances control what numbers appear on the speed limit sign.    For example, even though the 85th percentile speed changes between rush hour and midnight, only one speed limit value can be appear on a sign.   The sign cannot say “35 mph” from 7 AM to 9 AM then change to “55 mph” from 11 PM to 5 AM.    Also many cities in North Carolina have ordinances which require speed limits confined to increments of 10 mph; for example,  5, 15, 25, 35, 45 and 55 mph.    And so the traffic engineer picks the lowest closest speed but the speed may be too slow—too unnatural for the motorist.     Imagine a 10 mph sign on Interstate 40.   How dangerous would such a sign make the Interstate?

Approach Speed is the Least of Concerns


Many traffic engineers are aware of setting yellows with the 85th percentile speed.   Many anti-red light camera organizations focus on the 85th percentile speed.   In the end, however, traffic engineers not adopting the 85th percentile speed is the least of the engineers’ transgressions.   While a driver can control his speed, a driver cannot control the laws of physics, how fast his vehicle can decelerate or how fast his brain can react to information.


Nonetheless, a properly set 85th percentile speed will increase the yellow by about 1 second.

85th Percentile, Speed Limit Minimum

Equation for Duration of Yellow Light

Straight-Through Unimpeded Movement Equation

(Equation shorts yellow time by several seconds for movements other than straight-through unimpeded traffic.)

NC DOT Spec Sheet 5-2-2, Sheet 4 of 4.   The physics of this formula models only straight-through traffic but the NCDOT applies it to all traffic movements.   


The formula offers the driver a mutually exclusive choice between stop and go full speed.   If the driver must proceed because he is too close to the intersection, the formula requires him to go full speed “v” toward and into the intersection.  The formula does not allow him to slow down.   The formula does allow to slow down to turn, to slow down to avoid cars entering or egressing from nearby business, to slow down to avoid a hazard, or to slow down just to be cautious.

MUTCD, 2009, p. 489.   The MUTCD caps the yellow change interval to 6 seconds; but turning movements can take 6 – 9 seconds easily.   

North Carolina NCSITE, p 5    NCDOT treats commercial vehicles as if they are passenger cars.   But unlike passenger cars, commercial vehicles have air brakes.

North Carolina NCSITE, p 5   The formula for straight-through movement traffic is different than left turning vehicles.

NC DOT Spec Sheet 5-2-2, Sheet 4 of 4.    By NCDOT misunderstanding the formula, for any left turn approaching vehicle, 1) even if the vehicle is approaching at 45 mph the NCDOT gives it the stopping distance of a 20 mph vehicle.  Here the NCDOT ignores the law of momentum.   The NCDOT ignores the tightly-coupled relationship between speed, distance and time.    Regardless of lane in which the car travels, the car’s initial speed dictates his stopping distance.   A given speed limit applies to all lanes of traffic, to cars preparing to enter the left turn bay or that have already entered the left turn bay.   2)  The NCDOT exacerbates the time problem for the driver when he decides to proceed.    Traversing this fixed distance while decelerating for turning, increases not decreases, his needed time for the light to remain yellow.     Left turn yellows must be longer, not shorter, than the straight-through yellows.

Equations for Straight, Turning, Impeded and General Movements

Formula for Unimpeded Straight-Through Movement Traffic

(Gazis, Herman, Maradudin, ITE)



Formula for Turning Traffic (Left, Right, U)

(Liu, et al., American Society of Civil Engineers, Eq 13)



Formula for Impeded Traffic


General Formula That Works for all Traffic 



Stopping Distance (or critical distance) Formula.   vc is measured at distance c:



Derivation of Above Formulas from Newton’s Second Law of Motion. 

(G = grade, g = earth’s gravitational acceleration = 32.2 ft/s2.  See derivation).


The general formula and the formula for turning traffic compute yellow times several seconds longer than practice.    For example, the general formula for a typical 45 mph road computes a yellow change interval about 3 seconds longer than the straight-through formula.

Equations for Straight, Turning, Impeded and General Movements

Including Air Brake Lag Time

Formula for Unimpeded Straight-Through Movement Traffic

(Gazis, Herman, Maradudin, ITE)



Formula for Turning Traffic (Left, Right, U)

(Liu, et al., American Society of Civil Engineers, Eq 13)



Formula for Impeded Traffic


General Formula That Works For all Traffic   



Stopping Distance (or critical distance) Formula.   vc is measured at distance c:



Derivation of Above Formulas from Newton’s Second Law of Motion.

(G = grade, g = earth’s gravitational acceleration  = 32.2 ft/s2, tb = air brake lag time.  See derivation).  


The general formula and the formula for turning traffic compute yellow times several seconds longer than practice.    For example, the general formula for a typical 45 mph road computes a yellow change interval about 5 seconds longer than the straight-through formula.















Zero Tolerance

The moment the light turns red, law enforcement can ticket the driver. 


Police assume that engineers time the traffic signals correctly.   Yet the police are not aware that engineers ignore the needs of commercial vehicles.   The police are not aware that engineers do not consider physics and human factors correctly in the yellow light formula.    The police are not aware that engineers use the wrong formula and plug the wrong numbers into the formula.


The police are aware of the three “E”s:  Engineering.  Education.   Enforcement.   One cannot have the latter without the former.   But police rely on engineers to tell them whether the engineering is correct.   Engineers do not inform enforcement of their decision to make honest people run red lights.   Engineers do not confess to the law enforcement that they do not know the physics of their own formula.  Engineers do not know how to compute the tolerance in their yellow light calculations in order to inform law enforcement of the leniency the law must grant the driver.


The police are trained to ticket drivers, not traffic engineers.


Engineers are happy to perpetuate this training.


TxDOT Report 0-4273-2, 2003, pp, 27-28.   


Texas’ report guides traffic engineers to set the left turn yellow so that traffic can move most efficiently.   The authors of the report poll engineering professionals, asking them what parameters they consider most important.   The report lists those parameters by priority.


It is crucial for law enforcement to understand that engineers rank the legal motion of traffic as 7th priority.     It is crucial for law enforcement to understand that the legal motion of traffic competes with the engineers’ primary goal: efficient traffic flow.  Engineers gladly sacrifice a driver’s ability to traverse an intersection legally if it means a dozen cars can make it through the intersection in a given signal cycle.  It is standard practice for engineers to knowingly make millions of drivers to run red lights in order to attain level of service (LOS) goals.  An intersection with a low LOS makes the engineer look bad.


It is crucial for law enforcement to know that the safety of traffic does not automatically imply the legal motion of traffic and vice-versa.  


The attitude traffic engineers take when it comes to knowingly making drivers run red lights is exemplified in these exerts from legal depositions of North Carolina DOT’s traffic engineers (NCDOT):

Deposition of Dr. Joseph Hummer, pp. 108-109.

Deposition of Lisa Moon, p 63.    This is Moon’s statement after shown a graph depicting a dramatic spike in the red light running violations at NB Kildaire Farms Road at Cary Parkway after the North Carolina DOT shortened its left turn yellow from 4 to 3 seconds.  




Deposition of Dr. Joseph Hummer, pp. 63.    After Hummer works the algebra backwards and discovers that the NCDOT expects all drivers approaching in the left turn lane to be approaching at 23 mph or less, Hummer has to consult a lawyer to tell him going 45 mph in a 45 mph speed zone is legal. 


Law enforcement assumes that traffic engineers set traffic signal timing correctly.  But traffic engineers do not know what “correct” is.   They set traffic signal timing to “spec” but do not question the spec.  They do not understand the spec and do not know if it actually properly handles physics:

Deposition of Lisa Moon, p. 27.  

Deposition of Lisa Moon, p. 22.   Physics is not the practice of the NCDOT.

Deposition of Lisa Moon, p. 22.   Moon, though an engineer in charge of the motion of traffic at 1000 intersections in North Carolina, could not name a single one of Newton’s Laws of Motion.  Paul Stam, the attorney, had to help her out.  Moon believes that F = ma can only be used in a “very limited vacuumed world.”  


None of the professional engineers that the Town of Cary used as expert witnesses could recite Newton’s Laws of Motion.



Deposition of Lisa Moon, p 37.   The NCDOT measures “v” at the stop bar as 20 mph for left-turning lanes, unaware that the formula does not apply to left-turning lanes and unaware that v is measured at the critical distance, not at the stop bar.  On a 45 mph in North Carolina, the critical distance is about 294 feet upstream from the intersection.


Many States, including California and Virginia, make the same mistake for “v.”

Deposition of Daren Marceau, p. 112.    When shown the general equation for the yellow change interval, Mr. Marceau did not recognize as such.   He though it was a new equation.    A page later, Marceau understood that the new equation would add several seconds to the yellow.  Several seconds longer is what is required for turning movements but Marceau dismissed the very equation from which his own formula is derived.

2 to 4 Seconds Tolerance

(In addition to using the correct formula.)

Gazis, et al, The Problem with the Amber Signal Light in Traffic Flow, p. 112.   These three physicists invented the straight-through unimpeded yellow light formula traffic engineers use today. 

Gazis, et al, The Problem with the Amber Signal Light in Traffic Flow, p. 129.   The formula they invented does not apply to two closely spaced traffic lights, nor turning, unless the turning is done at a slow speed.


Today’s traffic engineers use the formula as a one-size-fits-all.


"The formula actually violates the laws of physics for certain types of motions, traffic motions," said Ceccarelli.

Ceccarelli said the Department of Transportation's formula for yellow lights only works for cars going straight through the light, and only cars that stay at or above the speed limit.

"It doesn't apply to any type of traffic movement that has to decelerate into the intersection," said Ceccarelli.

To check Ceccarelli's math, the I-Team went to the source. Alexei Maradudin is now a physics professor at the University of California - Irvine. In 1960, he came up with the root formula, which is still used by the DOT.

"That's correct. We did not, in our analysis consider turns; either left and turns or right hand turns," said Maradudin. "It was really straight through the intersection dynamics that we considered."

That formula made it into the traffic engineering handbook, and has been used, or misused, as Ceccarelli puts it in North Carolina, and across the country ever since.

"It causes lots and lots of people to run red lights, involuntarily," he said.

According to Ceccarelli, yellow lights should generally be three to four seconds longer. So, why are they set as they are? Based on a flawed formula written 55 years ago?

"I think that's a question that should be addressed to the Departments of Transportation," said Maradudin.


ABC, WTVD, Channel 11 interview with Dr. Maradudin and Mr. Ceccarelli., May 6, 2014

Error propagation.   The values for perception reaction time, deceleration rate, approach speed and grade of road are not idyllic constants.   The values have a range of equally valid values or at least a standard deviation.    Therefore the yellow change interval, calculated from this imprecise values, is also imprecise.   The measure of the yellow’s impreciseness is calculated using error propagation.


 . . .


Tolerance Required for Unimpeded Straight-Through Movement Traffic


Assume the error in vc and G are negligible.  The tolerance, T, required for this type of traffic under these ideal conditions is about 2.3 seconds.


Tolerance Required for Turning Traffic

Assume the error in vc and G are negligible.   The tolerance required for this type of traffic, using the turning formula, under ideal conditions are 3.4 seconds.



Error propagation.  

3 to 7 Seconds Tolerance

(In addition to using the correct formula.)

Gazis et al, The Problem with the Amber Signal Light in Traffic Flow, p. 119.    The problem between “what is allowed on the road” and the “engineering retort to ignore such unusual cases” dates back to the 1950s.  All DOTs perpetuate this incompatibility.







Yellow Duration for a Traffic Signal

Emergency Condition:  Car Unexpectedly Crossing Your Path

Contrast between Practice and What is Required


Driver or Vehicle Characteristic

NCDOT Yellow Light Specification



The NCDOT practice does not accommodate hazards occurring in or nearby the intersection.   NCDOT’s yellow change interval requires a driver who can no longer stop comfortably, to proceed at the speed limit or more without slowing down.  Not only does the practice forbid movements like turning, but also the practice compels the driver to continue proceeding to the intersection at full speed without regard for potential hazards.   The driver may see hazards, like cars turning left crossing his path in front of him, but if he slows down for them, he risks certain hazard by running a red light.

Passenger Car

What is Required

Commercial Vehicles

What is Required





1.5 Seconds

NC DOT Spec Sheet 5-2-2, Sheet 4 of 4   The NCDOT formula does not consider emergencies occurring within or near the intersection.   It takes about 1 second more for a driver to perceive and react to a hazard.

1.8 to 8.0 Seconds

AASHTO Green Book 2011, page 2-41.    The more information content the driver has to deal with near or at the intersection, the more complex the intersection.  

2.8 Seconds Minimum

NC CDL 2014 page 2-1.       1¾ + 1 = 2¾ seconds.

Air Brake

Lag Time

0 seconds

0 Seconds

0.5 Seconds Minimum

NC CDL Handbook, 2014, p 5-9


11.2 ft/s2

NC DOT Spec Sheet 5-2-2, Sheet 4 of 4.     The NCDOT formula does not consider emergencies occurring within or near the intersection.


The formula offers the driver a mutually exclusive choice between stop and go full speed.   If the driver must proceed because he is too close to the intersection, the formula does not allow him to slow down for any reason.   The formula does allow to slow down to turn, to slow down to avoid cars entering or egressing from nearby business, to slow down to avoid a hazard, or to slow down just to be cautious.

11.2 ft/s2 is the 90th Percentile Emergency Braking Rate


But for the yellow light, the deceleration must be the lower normal deceleration rate 10 ft/s2.   The yellow light cannot be timed such that it expects a car to emergency brake.


AASHTO Green Book, 2011, p3-3   

8.0 ft/s2 is Maximum a Truck can do on Wet Pavement

NCHRP 505, p. 48   0.25g  = 0.25 * 32.2 ft/s2 = 8.0 ft/s2    Which is the best a truck driver can do on a wet pavement in any situation.


Straight-Through Unimpeded Movement Equation

NC DOT Spec Sheet 5-2-2, Sheet 4 of 4  The physics of this formula models only straight-through traffic but the NCDOT applies it to all traffic movements.   


The formula offers the driver a mutually exclusive choice between stop and go full speed.   If the driver must proceed because he is too close to the intersection, the formula does not allow him to slow down to turn, to slow down to avoid cars entering or egressing from nearby business, to slow down to avoid a hazard, or to slow down for any reason.

MUTCD, 2009, p. 489.   The MUTCD caps the yellow change interval to 6 seconds; but turning and/or avoidance movements can easily require up to 10 seconds.  

General Formula Only

General Formula That Works For all Non-Commercial Traffic, including Avoidance Maneuvers     


Stopping Distance (or critical distance) for all Non-Commercial Traffic, Formula.   vc is measured at distance c:



Derivation of Above Formulas from Newton’s Second Law of Motion.

(G = grade, g = earth’s gravitational acceleration = 32.2 ft/s2.  See derivation).


The general formula allows drivers to slow down on route to the intersection without running a red light.  The general formula produces yellow times several seconds longer than practice.    For example, the general formula for a typical 45 mph road computes a yellow change interval about 3 seconds longer than the straight-through formula.

General Formula Only which includes Air Brake Lag Time

General Formula That Works For all Traffic, including Avoidance Maneuvers  



Stopping Distance (or critical distance) Formula.   vc is measured at distance c:



Derivation of Above Formulas from Newton’s Second Law of Motion.

(G = grade, g = earth’s gravitational acceleration = 32.2 ft/s2, tb = air brake lag time.  See derivation).


The general formula allows drivers to slow down on route to the intersection without running a red light.  The general formula produces yellow times several seconds longer than practice.    For example, the general formula for a typical 45 mph road computes a yellow change interval about 5 seconds longer than the straight-through formula.